Our Mission Statement

Assisting parents in the process of educating mature Christian young people whose character and conduct reflect Christlikeness & bring glory to God


Few matters in life are as vitally important as your child’s education. You as a parent realize this, and we at Inter-City Baptist School share your concern. Incorporated in 1966 as a non-profit ministry of Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park, Michigan, the school, from kindergarten through grade twelve, seeks to assist parents in the process of educating mature Christian young people whose character and conduct reflect Christlikeness and bring glory to God. This educational process involves the student in all areas of life; spiritually, academically, socially, physically, and musically. Ideally, the home, the school, and the church should all work hand-in-hand to bring up children “in the way they should go.”

A Brief History

Inter-City Baptist School was incorporated in 1966 as a non-profit ministry of Inter-City Baptist Church. Inter-City Baptist School was one of the first Christian schools of its kind in Michigan. Opening in 1966 under the direction of Dr. William R. Rice, Inter-City Christian School had a faculty of eight and an enrollment of approximately 100 in grades K – 8. In the next three years, the school was expanded to include grades 9 – 12, graduating its first class of seniors in 1970. That same year the high school was built, a modern building with ten classrooms, library, science lab, and gymnasium.

Operating for more than fifty years, Inter-City Baptist School is often consulted by new schools in the Midwest for its established curriculum and leadership. We are well known in the Detroit area, in both the public and private sector, for our academic excellence and spiritual emphasis. In its years of ministry, the high school has graduated more than 1,200 students, over 90% of whom have attended colleges and universities across the nation. With God blessing our efforts, our graduates over the years have gone on to excel in all of the various areas of profession and ministry the Lord has led them to

50th Anniversary